It was really windy today, and cold, even though the sun was out. On my walk this afternoon I saw this. I think it is a paper-bark eucalyptus tree, on a mid 90's purple and red douche-mobile. Actually you can just see that it also sports some fancy green and orange stripes down the side under the tinted fiber-glass camper thing. When we got there, my Dad asked the man who was standing there if everyone was OK, but he just gave him a funny look as if to say "What are you looking at?", and so it is for these reason's I have concluded it is a douche-mobile. I wonder why you would take a perfectly good mid sized pickup truck, and then alter it in a way that says 'Hey everyone, I'm a total loser!!', not to mention the fact that danger is most likely always lurking around the corner when your choices impact negatively on the rest of society. I realize that everyone parks under trees from time to time without any thought, but I'm guessing the owner of this rootin' tootin' boot scootin' mc shootin' wagon has had his fair share of messages from the universe. So it is with this vision in mind that I have decided to change my ways, and only put my best paw forward, to never bark at a stranger for no good reason, to always purposely lose the tug-of-war game, to give all humans the benefit of the doubt, and lots of other good stuff that I can't think of right now. Anyway, I just really wanted to get that off my chest.